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Keyword Builder

Transform search queries for the keywords field in the App Store.

Sergey avatar
Автор: Sergey
Обновлено больше недели назад

How can Keyword Builder help you?

Using the Keyword Builder tool, you can easily convert your list of search queries for the keywords field in the App Store. According to the rules of the App Store, you need to enter words in the keywords field without repetitions separated by commas (no spaces!). Keyword Builder will extract unique words from your semantic core and also transform them into the desired form. Rules for the formation of the keywords field can be found here.

Detailed overview of functions and data in Keyword Builder

In the menu, select the ASO section, the Creating ASO subsection, select the Keyword Builder tool. Choose a country.

Enter keywords separated by commas or Enter in the field on the left, or import from Keyword Monitor.

Select the desired settings and click "Transform".

On the right, you will see a list of unique words from your semantic core. At the top you will see the number of characters and the number of words. You can also sort words alphabetically or by length. You can edit the list on the right.

When your list is ready, click the "copy" button and paste it into the keywords field in App Store Connect.

At the bottom left, you will see the words from your semantic core and the number of repetitions.

Fill in the keywords field quickly with ASOMobile💙

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