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Adding keywords to Keyword Monitor
Adding keywords to Keyword Monitor
Sergey avatar
Автор: Sergey
Обновлено больше недели назад

Why do you need to add keywords to Keyword Monitor?

You can add keywords to Keyword Monitor for two reasons:

1. Tracking changes in the positions of search queries.

2. Collecting the semantic core, prioritization of search queries to be embedded in the application metadata (title, subtitle, description).

How to add keywords to Keyword Monitor?

Method 1.

Add keywords while adding the app ("+Application" button).

  1. Add ASOMobile suggestions

  2. Add keywords manually (separated by commas or enter)

  3. Import keywords from another application added to the system

Method 2.

Add keywords to Keyword Monitor (the tool is in the ASO section).

  1. Add keywords manually (separated by commas or enter)

  2. Add ASOMobile suggestions

Method 3.

Add keywords from other tools.

You can add keywords from App Keywords, Keyword Finder, Keyword Select and other tools in the ASO section.

  1. To add a keyword to Keyword Monitor, click on the "+"

  2. If a word is added to Keyword Monitor, a checkmark is displayed instead of "+".

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