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My apps

Convenient section for managing the apps in your account.

Sergey avatar
Автор: Sergey
Обновлено больше недели назад

How can the My Apps section help you?

In this section, you can quickly manage applications in your account (add and remove apps, add competitors).

A detailed overview of features and data in the My Apps section

To go to app management, click the "My apps" button in the header.

Working with the list of apps

Here you can see a list of added applications.

1. Sort apps: from new to old or from old to new, also the ability to filter the list by platform;

2. Quick search for apps among the added ones;

3. Number of keywords and apps available;

4. Add a new application.

App card

  1. Add an app to Favorites (favorite apps are always at the top of the list);

  2. Go to the app store by clicking on the icon (Google Play, App Store);

  3. Remove the app;

  4. See the number of keywords for each selected country that are added to the Keyword Monitor. By clicking on the country icon, you will be taken to the Keyword Monitor;

  5. Manage competitors (add or remove competing apps). To control, click on three dots or plus.

  6. Quick jump to tools.

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