Featured Reviews

A handy tool for a quick tracking of featured reviews.

Sergey avatar
Автор: Sergey
Обновлено больше недели назад

How can the Featured Reviews tool help you?

Using the Featured Reviews tool you can track reviews in all countries at once, which are displayed first on the app page on the App Store and Google Play and affect the app conversion.

Detailed overview of features and data in Featured Reviews

The Featured Reviews tool is located in the Reviews section.

Select a country or several countries (for iOS apps); language or several languages (for android apps).

Next, you will see a list of currently featured reviews in selected countries/languages.

For Android apps, you will see up to 4 reviews in each language.

For iOS apps, you will see up to 6 reviews in each country.

Review card

  1. Review author;

  2. Rating. Also, the vertical line to the left of the review corresponds to the rating of the review;

  3. Review;

  4. The date the review became featured;

  5. Date and country (language) of writing the review;

On Google Play, you can click on the platform icon to go to the app store review.

Keeping track of featured reviews is very important as they appear first on the app page and affect conversions.

If you find a negative featured review, go to the Feedback Responses page to contact the user and fix it.

Track featured reviews to improve your app conversion rate 💙

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