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Search Ads Spy

Pick the best keywords to advertise in Apple Search Ads.

Sergey avatar
Автор: Sergey
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How can Search Ads Spy help you?

With the Search Ads Spy tool, you can:

  1. Check which apps are being promoted in Apple Search Ads for any keyword.

  2. Find out what keywords your competitors are advertising for in Apple Search Ads.

  3. Get a quick overview of Search Ads results for selected keywords.

Detailed overview of features and data in Search Ads Spy

In the menu, select the Market section, the Search Ads Spy tool.

Select a country or several countries and platform - iPhone or iPad. Also select the period for which you want to see the data.

You will see three tabs: ASA SPY, Keywords, Competitors.


Enter a keyword and click the "Explore" button.

In the ASA SPY tab, you will be able to see all the data about the keyword in Apple Search Ads:

  1. Traffic volume for the keyword.

  2. Search Ads Index - The popularity of a search query in Apple Search Ads. Values range from 5 (unpopular) to 100 (very popular).

  3. Keyword suggestions and Search Ads Index (ASA index) value.

  4. Apps that are advertised for this request.

In the Suggestions card, click on the loupe to analyze the keyword in Search Ads Spy (for your convenience, the request will open in a new tab).

Below you will see the apps that are advertised for this keyword in Apple Search Ads for the selected period in the selected country, the percentage of app impressions in ads, the app category.

By clicking on the loudspeaker, you will see the requests for which the app is being advertised.

By clicking on "+", you can add a keyword to Keyword Monitor. You can also copy all queries using the "Copy all keywords" button.

“Keywords” Tab

In the Keywords tab, you will see the keywords for which the selected app is being advertised in Apple Search Ads with the following values:

  1. Search Ads is the popularity of a search query in Apple Search Ads. Values range from 5 (unpopular) to 100 (very popular).

  2. Traffic is the number of users who enter this search query into the market search bar (per day).

  3. Loupe is the analysis of the request in ASA SPY (the request will open in a new tab).

  4. + - adding a keyword to Keyword Monitor.

5. By clicking on the top apps (to the left of the keyword), you will see the search results for this query (excluding advertising).

Competitors Tab

In the Competitors tab, you will see the queries for which competitors are being advertised in the ASA with traffic and Search Ads values.

ASOMobile system automatically adds 5 competitors when adding an app.

You can also add and remove competitors easily by clicking on the competitor list icon.

Additional tools for your convenience:

  • Click on the translation switcher to translate all keywords

  • Download an Xls file is the ability to get data in the form of an Excel table.

  • Copy to Clipboard is the ability to copy all search queries to the clipboard.

  • Sorting. Use sorting to get the data you want quickly.

Choose the best keywords to advertise in Apple Search Ads with ASOMobile💙

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