Rating & Reviews

Quick overview of app ratings and reviews.

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Автор: Sergey
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How can the Rating & Reviews Dashboard help you?

With the Rating & Reviews Dashboard, you can quickly analyze ratings and reviews to understand the mood of your users.

A detailed overview of features and data in the Rating & Reviews

From the menu, select Reviews, Ratings & Reviews Tool.

Select a country or several countries (for App Store). Also, select the period for which you want to see ratings and reviews.

On the first chart, you will see the following information for the selected period by day:

  • Total rating - the current rating on the app store

  • Ratings - number of ratings per day

  • Average rating - average rating per day

  • Reviews - the number of reviews per day

  • Average Review Rating - average review rating per day

  • Reviews with responses - number of responses per day

  • Deleted Reviews - reviews that have been removed by the app store

    We have created three convenient groupings of values on the chart:

    • Ratings (Ratings, Average rating, Total (current) rating)

    • Reviews (Reviews, Average reviews rating, Deleted reviews)

    • Replies (Reviews, Average reviews rating, Reviews with the reply, Total (current) rating)

    You can also show/hide data on the graph by clicking on the values below the graph.

Next, you will see the current (total) rating and a summary of ratings and reviews for the selected period.

Current Rating

The current rating on the app store and the number of ratings (for the entire period of the app exists), as well as information about the last update of this data. Data of the current rating does not depend on the selected dates.

For iOS apps, you will only see data for the current rating if you have one country selected. If several countries are selected - you will see a table for each country below:

  • Country;

  • Current rating in a given country on the app store;

  • Mood (distribution of ratings);

  • Number of ratings;

  • Percentage of ratings in a given country from the whole world;

  • The trend is a graph of the growth of new ratings.

Rating per period

In this chart, you will see the app ratings for the selected period by rating. Hover over the slice in the chart to get ranging data from 1* to 5*.

Next to the chart, you will see the following data:

  1. Ratings received for the period

  2. Improvement or decrease of the rating compared to the previous period

  3. The number of positive ratings (4 *, 5 *) and the change in their number compared to the previous period\

  4. The number of negative ratings (4 *, 5 *) and the change in their number compared to the previous period

  5. The mood of users compared to the previous period. Depending on how much the score has improved or decreased, you will see such emoticons 😭😥😟😊😀😍.

Reviews per period

In this chart, you will see the app reviews scores for the selected period by rating. Hover over the slice in the chart to get review ratings from 1* to 5*.

Next to the chart, you will see the following data:

  1. Rating of reviews received over the period

  2. Improvement or decrease of the review rating compared to the previous period

  3. The number of positive reviews (4 *, 5 *) and the change in their number compared to the previous period

  4. The number of negative reviews (4 *, 5 *) and the change in their number compared to the previous period

  5. The mood of users compared to the previous period. Depending on how much the score has improved or decreased, you will see such emoticons 😭😥😟😊😀😍.

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