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Keyword Finder

The tool that will select the most relevant and popular keywords for your app.

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Автор: Sergey
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Keyword Finder

A tool that will select hundreds of the most relevant and popular search queries for your app. Keyword Finder analyzes your app's metadata, competitors' keywords, suggestions, and similar searches to give you a database of relevant keywords. The search method is fundamentally different from App Keywords, so you can find even more keywords here.

How can Keyword Finder help you?

With the Keyword Finder, you can find many relevant search queries for any application and quickly build a semantic core.

A Closer Look at Features and Data in Keyword Finder

The Keyword Finder is located in the ASO section of the Keyword Research subsection. You see the data for the application that is selected at the top (to add a new app, click the "+ App" button).

Select a country.

In Keyword Finder, you can get 7 tables (for iOS apps) and 6 tables (for Android apps) with useful data for keywords with the following values *: traffic, app position in search results, complexity, and efficiency for each search query.

  1. All keywords: the most relevant and popular queries for your app. Here you will see at once all the keywords that the Keyword Finder has found. We have also prepared for you a selection of search queries according to various criteria for a quick search for keywords, depending on your goals.

  2. Popular: the most popular keywords for your app.

  3. Relevant: the most relevant keywords for your app.

  4. Long-tail: low-frequency keywords, by which it is easy to move to the TOP (search queries in this tab consist of at least 4 words).

  5. Low competitive: keywords with low competition.

  6. For boosting: the best search engines to promote to the TOP.

  7. Trending: trending search queries that go to “Trending” in the App Store (only for iOS apps).

For the convenience and efficiency of your work, we provide important data.

*Traffic is the estimated number of users searching this keyword per day in the country.

*Complexity (CI) is a search query competitiveness index. You will be able to estimate how competitive the applications for this search query are. This indicator will allow you to understand how many resources you will need to succeed with this search query. The complexity scale ranges from 0 to 10, where 0 is the least competitive keyword and 10 is the most competitive one.

*Effectiveness (KEI) is a search query performance index. This index will help you choose the keys for work that will enable you to receive the most traffic with the least competition among applications.

- Very high one indicates the highest keyword performance for your application.

- High one.

- Medium one.

- Neutral one.

- Low one indicates that the performance is minimal; with the maximum promotion cost, you get the minimum number of installs.

*Search Ads - the popularity of the search query in Apple Search Ads. Values range from 5 (unpopular) to 100 (very popular).

*Rank is the application positions for each query with the dynamic changing for the last twenty-four hours and the date of updating the key information.

- green background of the rank value - the application is at the top of the keyword (1,2,3 place)

- red background of the rank value - the system has not updated the application data for more than 60 hours. Update the rank data.

To add a keyword to Keyword Monitor, click "+". If the word has already been added, you will see a checkmark instead of a +.

You can also select several keywords at once and click on the blue "+" to add the selected keywords to Keyword Monitor at once.

You can also assign a color to them in the Keyword Monitor (grouping).


You can filter the keywords by the selected metric using the "Filter" button. Filters are applied online: just select the value you need to view the data.

You can also search for keywords by phrases or letters (search in the "Keywords" column).

To add filtered keywords to Keyword Monitor, select them and click on the blue plus.

Additional user-friendly tools for quick operation in the section:

1. You get the top applications for this key query in one click by clicking the icon in front of the keyword. Here you can easily add competitors by clicking the Plus icon.

2. Use sorting to quickly get the data you need quickly.

3. Relevance of data for a search query. You can always get updated data for a search query by adding it to the Keyword Monitor section by clicking the Plus icon.

4. Click on "loupe" to check a search query in the Keyword Check tool (an analysis of any search query: search results, traffic indexes, and competing applications).

5. Click on the "light bulb" button next to a keyword to see suggestions for it.

6. To show only new keywords that have not yet been added to Keyword Monitor, enable the "Hide" switcher. This is useful for collecting the semantic core, as well as for finding new keywords that you have not worked with before.

7. Translator

Click the "Translate" switcher to translate the keywords (to your interface language in ASOMobile).

8. Downloading an Xls file enables you to get data in the form of an Excel table.

9. Copy to clipboard enables you to copy all search queries to the clipboard.

Please note that you will see thirty keywords on one page; to see the next ones, you have to go to the next page. Alternatively, you can customize it to show more search queries on the page.

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