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Google Play Console Integration

Integration with Google Play Console is required to respond to reviews via ASOMobile.

Sergey avatar
Автор: Sergey
Обновлено более 9 мес. назад

The integration with Google Play Console allows you to respond to app reviews directly from the ASOMobile interface.

IMPORTANT! What you need to know before setting up integration:

  1. The integration must be carried out by a person who has access to the Google Play Console account for the required apps (the owner). You CANNOT create a working OAuth code with a Google Play administrator account.

    *In case of an error, it is recommended to try authorizing in incognito mode..

  2. Make sure the API in Google Console is enabled.

    3. Make sure the consent screen in your Google Console is set up and your app status is "In Production".

    4. The Google account you will use for Google authentication in ASOMobile must have permissions to view app information and respond to reviews for the apps you wish to integrate. These permissions can be configured in the Account Permissions section under App Permissions.

Step-by-step instruction

1. In ASOMobile, go to the Reviews section → Integrations.

2. Click on the button Add Google Play Console Account.

3. Choose one or several apps for which you want to set up the integration.

4. Open Google Cloud:

5. Select your Google Play Console Developer project and choose Credentials from the left menu.

6. If you do not have a G-Suite account, simply skip this step.

If you have a G-Suite account, you will be prompted to configure a consent screen before creating an OAuth client ID.

  • Select "External"

After that, fill in all the required fields:

  • Application name (for example, "ASOMobile Console Integration");

  • User support email (you can enter your own email address here, it will not be visible to others);

Email address in the "Developer contact information" section - Enter the same email as in the previous field.

Сlick "Save and continue".

To create a new OAuth client:

  • Go to the Google Cloud Platform Console.

  • Click on "Create credentials" and select "OAuth Client ID" from the list.

Select the application type "Desktop app" and enter a name. Use any name that makes sense to you, for example: "ASOMobile My App".

Click "Create".

7. Now you see “Your Client ID” and “Your Client Secret”.

8. Copy “Client ID” and “Client Secret” from Console and fill in the same fields in ASOMobile.

Click “Next” in ASOMobile.

9. Сlick on the “Click to get the link”.

You will see "Error 401" - that's ok. All you need is the URL in your browser's address bar.

10. Copy the link in your browser's address bar (it is important to copy the link completely).

11. Paste the link in the input field "Paste the link" into ASOMobile.

12. Click to button “Add Google Play Console Account. The status will change on Authorized”.

Note! If the integration is not completed within 2 minutes, you need to reacquire the client code and try again.

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