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Keyword Combinator

Tool for searching new relevant keywords and pick the most efficient search queries

Sergey avatar
Автор: Sergey
Обновлено больше недели назад

A handy tool for generating new relevant search queries from the keywords of your semantic core. Analysis of each search query

How can Keyword Combinator help you?

Using this tool, you can quickly get all possible search queries from the words of your semantic core with up-to-date indicators (traffic forecast, efficiency, complexity, the position of the selected app, being in suggestions).

Keyword Combinator helps you find the most efficient search queries.

For example, out of two relevant queries, you can choose a query with more traffic.

A detailed overview of features and data in the Keyword Combinator section

From the menu, select the ASO section, the Keyword Combinator subsection.

Select the country, where you want to find new search queries.

In order for the system to generate data for you, you need to enter from 2 to 10 words or phrases that are relevant to your app.

Enter words in the field on the left side of the screen, separated by commas or through the Enter key.

The system will determine the required time to calculate the result, then press the Start button. Your request has been sent for processing. You can see all generated requests on this page after processing requests or in the History view tab at any time.

The result looks like this:

  • Keyword (with the filter-search capability)

  • Traffic, complexity and efficiency (sortable) are metrics that will allow you to analyze search queries;

  • Rank is the application positions for each query with the dynamic changing for the last twenty-four hours and the date of updating the key information.

  • In suggestions: the popularity of the query in the app store suggestions;

  • "+": the ability to add a query to the Keyword Monitor for tracking;

  • "Round arrow": an opportunity to get up-to-date data for each of the queries in history.

Use the Keyword Combinator tool to find new relevant keywords and pick the most efficient queries 💙

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