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Visual comparison

A handy tool for analyzing the visual ASO of competitors and tracking the trends in the mobile app market.

Sergey avatar
Автор: Sergey
Обновлено больше недели назад

How can the Visual Comparison help you?

In this section, you will find all the important information about your competitors' apps: rating and number of ratings, downloads, category, and app value. You will be able to evaluate the visual ASO of your competitors, find out market trends, and also compare your app with those of competitors.

A detailed overview of the data in the Visual Comparison section

From the menu, select the ASO section, the Creating ASO subsection. Select the country to display. You can select the Page section to see what the app page looks like, and the Search section to see what the app looks in search.

Please note that in this section you will only see competitor apps that were added earlier.

To add competitors:

1) Click the "+ Competitors" button and add the applications you are interested in (by name or by link).

2) After that, select the competitors that you want to compare your app with. Apps that are highlighted in blue have already been chosen.

You can also add competitors from search results for a selected keyword in the Keyword Monitor, App Keywords, Keyword Select, Top Keywords, Keyword Suggest, and Keyword Check tools. To do this, click the Apps TOP next to the keyword and add competitors using the + button.

Evaluate the visuals of your competitors and niche leaders, track trends in the mobile app market with the Visual Comparison tool💙

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