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ASO Dashboard

ASO Dashboard is a new tool for a quick overview of your ASO performance.

Sergey avatar
Автор: Sergey
Обновлено больше недели назад

How can ASO Dashboard help you?

ASO Dashboard will help you evaluate the effectiveness of your ASO optimization, analyze competitors' data, find the best keywords for promotion and form a successful ASO strategy.

✔️10 charts to help you evaluate the health of your app in one minute!

A detailed overview of ASO Dashboard features

To analyze the app you are interested in, select the country and period.

On the graphs, you can analyze keywords for which the selected app ranks from 1 to 50.

✅ Top tables will help you find out the Search Visibility Score, monitor the number of Indexed Keywords, and track the improved and decreased positions so that you can respond to changes quickly.

📈 Next is the "Search Visibility" graph, which will allow you to evaluate the success of the ASO iterations and the cost of promoting the app. The higher the score, the more prominent your app is in search results.

📊 The "Keyword Distribution" chart will help you quickly analyze the location of keywords in the TOP 50. Mouse over the bar to get data on the date you are interested in. The more keywords are in the TOP 10 green zone, the more organic installs your app will receive. The meaning of the colors is below the table. A convenient color chart of the distribution of requests will help you quickly evaluate the effectiveness of the promotion.

🔍 "Added keywords" is a graph of changes and the current position of keywords that have been added for tracking in Keyword Monitor.

✅ "Positions improved" is the largest growth in the positions of keywords that are in the TOP 50.

❌ "Positions decrease" is the largest drop in positions of keywords that are in the TOP 50.

🔑 "Downloads by keywords": here you can see which keywords the app receives downloads for.

Analyze the keywords that bring you the most traffic in order to allocate your app promotion budget properly.

Find out what keywords your competitors are getting downloads for to use in your strategy.

📂 "Semantic core" is the visualization of indexed search queries.

On the left of the graph, you can see the traffic volume value (from bottom to top in ascending order). At the bottom, you can see the position of the app (from left to right in descending order).

✅ The best search queries are marked with a green circle in the upper left corner (queries in high positions with a lot of traffic). When you mouse over the circle, you can see the search query, app position, and traffic volume (the larger the circle, the greater the traffic value).

Make sure that the maximum number of keywords is in the green zone.

Evaluate the effectiveness of ASO optimization. Select dates from the charts for comparison. If you have more requests in the green zone, you are heading in the right direction!

Get all the data you need to analyze your app quickly and form a successful ASO strategy!

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