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Revenue data for any application

Sergey avatar
Автор: Sergey
Обновлено больше недели назад

A tool by which you can observe the dynamics of revenue for any application.

How can the Revenue section help you?

Estimate revenue and downloads for applications you are interested in, determine your own strategy for achieving financial success in your chosen niche.

Revenue is estimated based on Top Grossing. If the application is not in Top Grossing, there will be no data on this application in the Revenue tool.

A closer look at features and data in the Revenue section

In the menu select the Market Intelligence section, the Revenue subsection. This section looks like this:

At the top of the page, select the application you are interested in, the time period.

At the top right of the page, you will see a summary of the current month and the three previous ones.

Below information about the application for the last month or week (you must select) is displayed in the form of a graph and table below.

The graph displays the countries that you have selected in the table below and are marked with a tick.

Below the main chart, you will see a graph where you can quickly select any other date range.

The table below shows the following information:

  1. Country. Select the countries you are interested in.

  2. Per period. An application revenue for the selected period (week/month)

  3. % of the world. What percentage of the total application revenue is occupied by this location.

  4. Overview. A mini graph for quick access to dynamics

Use the Revenue section of ASOMobile to increase your app profit! 💙

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