Similar apps

Analysis of Similar selections in Google Play, App Store

Sergey avatar
Автор: Sergey
Обновлено больше недели назад

What are Similar Apps?

This is a list of applications that are similar in the subject matter. Collections are generated based on internal algorithms of apps markets.

Collections are on the app store page (at the bottom of the page).

  • Similar (Android)

  • You Might Also Like (IOS)

The user, seeing similar applications, can change their choice and install the application from the collection.

How can the Similar Apps section help you?

You will be able to analyze the source of your current organic traffic.

If you are in the selection of apps (the optimal position is TOP 1-6), you can get additional traffic.

How does it work? Users find the app by searching but do not install it. At the same time, they open a selection of similar ones and download the app from the selection.

In this tool, you can see in the selections of which apps and in which positions your app is suggested. To see the data, select the country and date.

  • Visibility rating (green line on the graph) is the ability to analyze how "visible" your app is to users.

  • Total apps line (purple line on the graph) is the total number of apps in the selection where your application has got.

  • Vertical bars in the graph show the number of times and at what position your app has been suggested in selections.

  • TOP best positions: apps in the selections of which your app was suggested (sorted by the best position in the selections) for the selected period.

  • TOP apps: the best apps in their category in the selections of which your app was suggested for the selected period.

How to get into "similar" selections and get traffic?

1. ASO optimization. The text part of getting into the selections, high-quality visual optimization will push the user to make a choice in your application.

2. Application quality is the number of apps, position of the app in the category, app size, rating, positions by search queries.

3. Installation of several apps at the same time (competing with each other or analogs).

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