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Keyword Check

Detailed analysis of any search query (search results, traffic volume, competing applications)

Sergey avatar
Автор: Sergey
Обновлено больше недели назад

How can Keyword Check help you?

In this section, you can see and analyze relevant data for any search query that interests you immediately.

Detailed overview of functions and data in Keyword Check

In the menu, select the ASO section, the Keyword Check subsection.

For information on request, select the platform you are interested in, the country, enter the search term which you want to get data for, and click the explore button.

On the Keyword Check page, we have collected all the necessary data about the search query.

1. The number of applications that can be seen in the search results for a given query. Please note that on Google Play this number will never exceed 250 since this is the maximum number of applications that a user can see in the market from their device.

2. TOP ratings for a keyword.

- On the left side, you will see information about applications that have grown over the past day. On the screenshot, you can see the TOP 3 applications that received the maximum growth in positions for the query "google".

- On the right side, you will see the TOP 3 applications that have lost their positions on the search query "google" in the last 24 hours.

3. Estimates of the search query with dynamics for the last 7 days

* Traffic is the number of users who enter this search query into the market search bar (per day). This is your potential traffic, provided that the application is in the top positions for this search query.

* Competitiveness is a competition index of a search query. You will be able to estimate how high the competition among applications for this search query is. This metric will allow you to understand how many resources you will need to succeed with this request. Difficulty scale from 0 to 10, where 0 is the least competitive request, and 10 is the most competitive one.

* Efficiency is an index of performance for a search query. This index will help you choose the keys for work, by which you can receive the most traffic with the least competition among applications.

- very high is the highest request efficiency for your application

- high

- middle

- neutral

- low means the efficiency is minimal; with the maximum cost of promotion, you get the minimum number of installs.

4. Suggestions are search queries (with the amount of potential traffic). By clicking on the loupe, you will receive detailed information about this request in the same Keyword Check section.

5. TOP applications in search results

Select how many applications you want to see in the search results for this keyword (30, 50, 100, 250).

These are applications that suggested to marketers when entering a search query with history of rank changes, indicating the category and price of the application. In the dynamics column, you have decreased by the number of positions the application has increased for this search query. By clicking +, you can add the app to the list of competitors. Also, use sorting to get the data you need quickly.

If analyzed keyword is interesting to you, you can add it to Keyword Monitor to continue working with it by clicking the blue +.

Next, select the application (from the list you added earlier in ASOMobile) to which you want to add this search query.

After the keyword is successfully added, you will see it in the Keyword Monitor of the selected application. Detailed instructions for Keyword Monitor arehere.

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