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App Store localizations

Localize your app and increase the number of metadata search queries.

Sergey avatar
Автор: Sergey
Обновлено больше недели назад

How can App Store localizations help you?

Using localizations in the App Store you can not only adapt the app to the local market but also increase the number of characters for keywords.

In some countries, multiple languages are indexed at once. For example, in the US, not only the US locale (English) but also Mexico (Spanish) is indexed.

You can see all the main and additional localizations in our table in the Insiders section, subsection App Store localizations.

Lifehack: Use an additional locale to increase the number of metadata search queries.

Example: Your main market is the USA, but you lack the characters for all the keywords you need, and you are not at all interested in a Spanish-speaking audience. Add English keywords to the Spanish locale (Mexico), and this will increase the number of US English queries (Title, Subtitle, and Keywords) by 160 characters.

You can also do so with other localizations in the App Store, based on our table.

Remember that keywords are combined in only one locale. This means that if you have “coloring” in the keywords in English (US) and “kids” in the Spanish (MX) locale, then you will not get indexed for “kids coloring” in the US.

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